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Cultural Competency

Cultural Competency Online Course

A Comprehensive Overview of Cultural Competency: Course #1

This is Course #1 of our Cultural Competency series and includes all of the required subtopics outlined by the Professional Education Learning and Standards Board (PELSB) of Minnesota. It has been approved by PELSB and qualifies for three clock hours of continuing education credit towards re-licensure. Please note: Course #2 must also be taken in order to fulfill the content requirements recommended by the Board.

0% Complete
0/7 Steps
Cultural Competency Online Course

A Comprehensive Overview of Cultural Competency: Course #2

This online course #2 is the second half of our Cultural Competency series and includes all of the required subtopics outlined by the Professional Education Learning and Standards Board (PELSB) of Minnesota. It has been approved by PELSB and qualifies for three clock hours of continuing education credit towards re-licensure. Please note that course #1 must also be taken in order to fulfill the content requirements recommended by the Board.

0% Complete
0/12 Steps



Ethics for Minnesota School Administrators and Their Staff

Now, more than ever, school administrators are called upon to make difficult and sometimes nuanced decisions that can result in questions, criticism and occasional unwanted publicity from the media. In this course, educators and educational overseers will be introduced to terminology used in discussions and practices regarding ethical and professional norms in educational settings. Minnesota’s specific code of ethics and professional standards of conduct will be described. Scenarios will also be provided for consideration and problem solving.

0% Complete
0/5 Steps
English Language Learners Course for Educators

English Language Learners – A Teacher’s Guide

Educators will learn practical, evidence-based ways to improve their own professional practices with EL students in this online course which is approved by the Professional Education Learning and Standards Board (PELSB) of Minnesota.

0% Complete
0/5 Steps

Reading and The Brain

An overview of several evidence-based reading models and programs that are effective for preschoolers through teens, including special needs learners.

0% Complete
0/8 Steps

Project-based Learning

An overview of the use of real-world projects as a key technique in the student learning process. The risks and benefits of project-based learning, as well as implementation tips and pitfalls are presented.

0% Complete
0/6 Steps

Brain-based Learning

Brain-based learning is explored by reviewing practices that are based on what scientists are learning about the brain and what strategies teachers can use in the classroom.

0% Complete
0/6 Steps

The Integration of Technology and Education

An overview of the current use of technology in the public educational environment, primarily K-12.

0% Complete
0/6 Steps

Addressing Mental Health

Student Trauma Online Course

Students Impacted by Trauma: Support for Children and Educators

Educators will gain deeper knowledge of the different forms of trauma, how trauma impacts learning and practical, evidence-based ways to support students who have experienced trauma.

0% Complete
0/4 Steps

Early Warning Signs of Children’s Mental Health Disorders

This on-line course will help you to recognize when a mental health disorder is impacting a child's education. It provides information to help educators develop appropriate and effective supports and interventions to use in educational settings.

0% Complete
0/13 Steps

Suicide Prevention

Research and trends within the last 20-30 years are reviewed along with suicide statistics, suicide warning signs and risk factors, and evidence-based approaches to suicide prevention.

0% Complete
0/6 Steps

Mindfulness in Education

An overview of mindfulness practices, the science of mindfulness, classroom tips for teachers, and the relationship of mindfulness to learning.

0% Complete
0/5 Steps

Approaches to Student Behavior


Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

An overview of PBIS, an evidence-based framework to improve student behavior by recording data, choosing areas of intervention, rewarding positive behavior, measuring the impact of interventions, and adjusting adult behavior based on outcome information.

0% Complete
0/6 Steps

Bullying: Establishing a Safe and Nurturing School Climate

A review of the various types of bullying behavior, the neuroscience surrounding bullying, and efforts to control and manage the impacts of bullying in the school environment.

0% Complete
0/7 Steps

Alternatives to Suspension

An exploration into ways to prevent suspension, as well as modified forms of suspension.

0% Complete
0/5 Steps

Seclusion and Restraint in Schools

An overview of the investigations of the inappropriate use of seclusion and restraint in schools in the United States, along with the legislative action that has been taken at both the Federal and State levels.

0% Complete
0/6 Steps

Special Education and Disabilities


Accommodations and Modifications

An overview of accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities or special language needs who may require adjustments in order to meet the Minnesota Academic Standards.

0% Complete
0/5 Steps

A General Education Teacher’s Guide to Special Education

An overview of Special Education laws which serves as a guide for general education teachers. It describes the very important, but oftentime confusing, role the general education teacher plays on the Special Education Team.

0% Complete
0/6 Steps
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